Tina Cowley Reading Centre Hillcrest
Who We Are
- Certified as a Tina Cowley reading therapist (trained by Tina Cowley)
- Qualified teacher and registered with S.A.C.E ( S.A. Council for Educators)
- Experience 23 years : Head of Department (H.O.D.) at Blairgowrie Primary (Gauteng)
- Remedial education experience
- Counselling learners and referring children with learning difficulties
- Staff development programmes at the school
Who is Tina Cowley
Tina Cowley developed the unique “Cowley technology assisted reading methods” during her relentless pursuit to overcome her son’s reading problem.
Her research has revealed the overwhelming truth in the assertion that it was a reading disability that had in the past stigmatized so many children with an acute learning problem as backward.
Personal experience with my daughter’s difficulties in her early school years, has made me aware of the need for the correct programme, for what was then seen as a learning problem. A programme like Tina Cowley’s would have been perfect. My experience as a teacher and school counsellor and a parent, has made it possible to identify with the parent’s anxiety, confusion and stress, relating to having to deal with a reading difficulty and everything linked to that.
“If you can dream it you can achieve it!” is what my personal belief is. Every child can reach their dreams.